Fix Your Technique And Run Faster
(In 12 Weeks)
One single payment. Keep it forever.
We've Helped 2,000+ Athletes Run Faster
Below you can see some of them.
We asked them "What did you learn"?
Success Story #001
How Matthew went from 13 to 11 seconds in the 100m
Success Story #002
How Ayman went from 11.54 to 10.9 in the 100m in 17 months.
Success Story #003
How Chris transformed his speed and scored his first touchdown.
Success Story #004
How James transformed his technique at 64 years old, in 1 session.
Success Story #005
How Lexi dropped 1 sec from her sprint in 12 weeks.
Success Story #006
How Albab increased his Stride frequency in four weeks.
Success Story #007
How Keenan fixed his knee pain and broke five seconds in the 40-yard dash.
Success Story #008
How Geoff won three gold medals in one day.
Success Story #009
How Cyrus went from a 14 to 12.98 in the 100m.
Success Story #010
How "Y" achieved 24 miles per hour and ran at nationals.
1-time payment.
Here’s Everything You'll
Get With Sprint Cheat-Codes
Available Now.

Sprint Cheat-Codes
Digital Program
Find the mistakes killing your speed, and fix them to run faster.
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PDF set #1
Technique Checklists
A 3 set of checklists, that illustrates bad, and good Sprint Technique that you can refer to while you train.
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PDF set #2
Exercise Cheat-Sheets (30+ pages)
Exercises to help anyone improve their sprint technique even if they have zero experience with sprint training.
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PDF set #3
Smashing PR's 101
What To Do If You Haven’t Hit A PR in Months.
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PDF set #4
Solutions Guide
How to improve your speed even if you can’t access a track, field, gym, and it’s cold outside.
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FREE Bonus
Athlete's Time Management System
How to improve your speed even if you have a busy schedule and struggle to be consistent.
Learn More
All For Only: $49
(Pay one time, keep it forever.)
Case Study

1. Pushing out with a curved posture that kills power.

2. Foot excessively high on the first step, which kills speed.

1. Pushing out with a powerful straight line.

2. Super fast recovery by keeping the feet low on the first steps.
Frequently Asked Questions
What results should I expect?
Who is this for?
Can I use this If I already have a coach?
Can I use this if I already have a program?
Will this work even if I never had proper sprint training before?
How long is the course?
Are these workouts or educational videos?
How is this different than other sprint programs?
I already know a decent amount, will this teach me anything new?
Whats your Guarantee?
What qualifies you to teach this?
Some More Results...
Raphael broke 5 seconds in his 40 yd dash and now runs 4.78.
Ayman went from 11.54 to 10.9 in the 100m.
Lexi dropped 1 second from her sprint in 12 weeks.
Keenan fixed his knee pain and improved his 40 yard dash in 12 weeks.
Chris transformed his speed and scored his first touchdown ever.
Try it, Keep It Only
If It Works.
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